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Dónal McCann, organ; Maryam Wocial, soprano

Dónal McCann, organ
Maryam Wocial, soprano

Born in Belfast, Dónal McCann is the Assistant Organist at New College, Oxford. His musical education began as a chorister at St Peter’s Cathedral, Belfast, before taking up organ lessons with Professor Gerard Gillen at St Mary’s Pro Cathedral, Dublin. He achieved the prestigious diploma of Fellowship of the Royal College of Organists at the age of 17, and was awarded the Limpus Prize for the highest practical mark in the examination. At New College, Dónal is involved in all aspects of musical life, principally teaching music and accompanying the renowned chapel choir in services, recordings, broadcasts and international tours. Before moving to New College, Dónal was organ scholar at King’s College, Cambridge, where he read music, graduating with a double first. A rapidly rising star on the organ recital circuit he recently performed in Westminster Abbey, and gave the opening recital on the restored organ of St Lawrence Church, Vittoriosa in Malta. Recent collaborations include with the Instruments of Time & Truth, and he has appeared as a guest soloist with the Ulster Orchestra and Academy of Ancient Music. He is also an award-winning composer, with his music recently performed by the BBC Singers on BBC Radio 3. He will take up the position of Head of Chapel Music and Choral Partnerships at Winchester College next September.

British soprano Maryam Wocial is a Poppy Holden Scholar at the Royal College of Music, where she is studying for a master’s degree with Dinah Harris. Maryam previously read Music at Lincoln College, Oxford University, where her studies were supported by the Henrey Bursary and the Lord Crewe Scholarship. Whilst based in Oxford, Maryam performed as a solo recitalist at the Holywell Music Room and as a soloist in many other prestigious Oxford venues. She made her operatic debut with New Chamber Opera as Lisetta in their 2020 production of Haydn’s La Vera Costanza, and later returned in 2023 as Dido in their production of Johann Pepusch’s The Death of Dido and as soprano soloist in Pergolesi’s Stabat Mater. In London, Maryam has performed as a solo recitalist at the Handel Hendrix House and as a soloist in several venues including the Royal Albert Hall and the Fairfield Halls. She was the winner of the 2023 Oxford and Cambridge Club Music Prize and is their musician in residence for 2023–2024. Since starting at RCM, she has performed in concerts and recitals with the historical performance faculty and has been selected as the soprano soloist for the RCM’s 2024 Bach cantata project.


G. F. Handel (1685–1759)

Arrival of the Queen of Sheba (from Solomon, HWV 67)

From Messiah, HWV 56:

I know that my Redeemer liveth

Rejoice Greatly, O daughter of Zion

C. V. Stanford (1852–1924)

Postlude in D minor, op. 105 no. 6

From Bible Songs, op. 113:

A Song of Trust

A Song of Wisdom

Louis Vierne (1870–1937)

Les angelus, op. 57

Au Matin

A Midi

Au Soir

Symphonie no 1, op. 14


Performer photo
Dónal McCann
Maryam Wocial